Friday, May 8, 2015

Seven Letter From Paris

There are days (and this week has been one of those days) when just upping and moving to another country sounds just like the right thing to do.  But only if I could take this book along...

I was checking this book in at the library and laid it aside to read.  And I am so glad I did. An easy read and one I didn't want to put down, I felt like I was having a drink with Samantha Verant and hearing her story in person.  And one that I loved.

Nearing her 40th birthday, Samantha goes through a series of events like many of us do.  Her 13 year marriage is over, all except the paperwork. Heavily in debt, her job was eliminated and she finds herself moving from Chicago to California to live with her parents while she gets her life back in order.  A chance mention by a friend of an encounter 20 years earlier while they were in France has her searching for the letters written by a young man she met in Paris and only knew for a few hours.

Samantha locates the letters in a bin of stuff she has been holding onto for years. She never originally answered the letters, but decided to give it a try 20 years later.  And it works. What happens is a fairy tale come true.  It makes me glad I love to write letters!

The course of true love never runs smoothly, but after being separated all these years, she and Jean-Luc make every effort to make it work.  Both have marriages which ended in divorce.  He has two young children, she has none.  She's in California, he's in France.  But with the aid of the internet, emails and phone calls, they quickly come together again.

READ THIS BOOK!  Preferably with a glass of wine in hand.

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